clearly thinking

Listen to Sonia interviewed on 'Add To Cart.'
Australia's leading eCommerce podcast with Nathan Bush
Today Understanding the Brain is Your Business

We succeed when we
Empower you
Empower your team
Empower your business
Our aim is to make and save you money by empowering you with behavioural science. The truth is data wins! friction free wins! irrational pricing wins! A.I. Wins! personalisation wins! = behavioural science wins! Our clients agree. Together we've proven it again and again. We are trusted by clients to solve problems they have been unable to solve. We are trusted to provide clarity with new solutions.
Ours is a unique hybrid model of Business + BeSci + AI. With experts from around the globe, we bring in the right people to solve the right problem. It's an edge in business and the edge that empowers you and your team. We measure outcomes to directly impact your bottom line.
For our eCommerce clients we apply dynamic Nudge Intelligence to Conquer Cart Abandonment and Reduce Returns. Proven to increase net revenue up to 20%. Ask us how AI + BeSci wins for online stores in eCommerce too. You can add this on top of what you are already doing. We expect to add double digit growth and you only pay on success and results too. Now that's worth thinking about.
We solve the right problem and prove your good, better and best solution

Keynote Speaker
"Amazing" "Enlightening" "Inspiring"
The audience response is clear.
You can trust Sonia to open your next event.
MICROSOFT, KPMG, Pfizer + others do.

Conquer Cart Abandonment +
Increase Net Revenue with Nudge Intelligence
AI + BeSci
+ 20% net revenue
+15% cart abandonment
-5% product returns

Behavioural Science Strategic Consulting
"You are a Revenue Rockstar"
1. Solve the right problem
2. With the right solution
Let's prove it.

Nudge It Yourself
Irrational Pricing Wins. Sonia's Flagship Event
now on-line.
Optimise your pricing
In your own time
At your own pace.
Our 5 Proven BeSci Superpowers:
To Accelerate Your Growth + Make and Save You Money.
We love Strategy, Behavioural Science, Neuroscience, AI, Machine Learning, Behavioural Data Science and Statistics. We know how to apply all of these to collaborate with you to win. We're clear thinkers + innovators + proven leaders in the application of what we do. When you need a fresh set of eyes to solve your problem, we're the right people to add to the expertise your team already has. Your people know their job and we know ours. Here is where we will excel with you and your team:
Irrational Pricing Wins!
Set pricing by understanding your customers brain and why they really buy your product or service.
Apply Irrational Pricing within 24 to 48 hours and measure direct impact to your bottom line in 1 to 2 months.
You will never look at pricing in the same way again.
Data Wins!
We love data and know what to solve with it. Let's start with solving the right problem. Our Data Discovery will identify any bigger opportunities or red flags that need urgent attention too.
We empower you and your team to become data savvy.
Friction Free Wins!
Cognitive + Behavioural friction results in customers who consciously and unconsciously disengage (leave) your brand. This happens in milliseconds of time.
Often You can make more money for your brand removing friction points than attracting new customers.
We Map your Friction Journey with Friction Point. Creating a Friction Free Culture and Experience is the end game.
Personaliseand Win!
Proven again and again personalisation, without doubt has direct influence on your conversion rates and bottom line. We show you how to personalise all engagement with your customers.
We will create your personalisation Playbook. Includes AI generated examples of ads to test and measure direct impact.
AI Wins!
From AI data analytics to AI designed nudges.
We are leaders for AI and eCommerce. With a truely100% guarantee. Pay on Results model. We know you will love it.
Then AI built in algorithms sit behind your data to optimise customer experience and project what nudges will work best.
We will use AI to generate mini behavioural science campaigns.
Test and measure direct impact.
Increase conversion
Save money.
Trusted By Clients To Amaze Their Audience:
Invite Sonia as Your Next Keynote Speaker

Sonia Will Empower Your Audience
"Amazing" "Enlightening" "Inspiring"
The audience response is clear and consistent
You can trust Sonia to open your next event
Every keynote is tailored
Every keynote is practical
Every keynote is created for the highest engagement of the brain.
Sonia effortlessly makes BeSci simple. She bridges Nobel prize winning insight + thought leadership and how to apply it immediately. With leading application of BeSci + AI for optimal customer engagement, experience and bottom line impact, Sonia shatters entrenched paradigms in business.
Run your own nudge experiments and PILOT. PROVE. PROFIT.
CLIENTS: MICROSOFT. KPMG Upside. Pfizer. + more...
Intelligent Nudge Solutions for your eCommerce Customers + Easy to Use

Conquer Cart Abandonment
BeSci+ AI = Dynamic Nudge Intelligence
We apply AI + Behavioural Science and Psychology to optimise the customer experience. Our Award winning experts are global leaders in this space of tech + science. Clients consistently see results of up to
20% increase in net revenue
15% reduction in cart abandonment
5% reduction in product returns
Our 100% guarantee. You pay only on proven success results.
So easy to set up. Only 1 line of code. We do the rest for you.
With dashboard access to view impact and results live

Strategic Consulting
"You are a Revenue Rockstar"
We are Your Team of BeSci + AI Experts to Solve your problem.
We change behaviour and optimise your customer and employee engagement for better ROI:
Solve the Right Problem with the Right Solution
Sonia has been called a "growth hacker" and "revenue rockstar"
Her team of experts love human challenges in business - from your customers to your people. We understand the unconscious brain and why people do what they do because people are predictably irrational.
We pride ourselves on measured impact outcomes. You need an expert team who lead, innovate and prove what they do.on optimising your people, product, process, pricing and profit. We measure what matters. Key is to solve the right problem with good, better, best solutions - and prove it.
Our Global team of Strategists, Behavioural Scientists, Data Scientists, Neuro Scientists, Statisticians and Partners are excited and ready to work with you. We have a team of Health experts too - for Global and Local Big Pharma clients.
CLIENTS: The Dow Jones Group. Newscorp. AstraZeneca. + more

Be Empowered. Nudge it Yourself (NIY)
Irrational Pricing Wins!
Sonia's Flagship event is now available on-line.
AUD 1199 p.p.
For those serious about pricing. If you want to understand how the brain works and why customers make decisions, take risks and spend money.
You will never look at pricing the same way ever again.
Upskill and empower yourself and your team with pricing. Understand the brain and how customers make decisions and spend money. Practical. Designed for you to apply behavioural science immediately. Start to apply a nudge within 24-48 hours and measure the direct impact on your bottom line.
At your own pace
In your own time
"One of our first nudges was as simple as (xxx) which saw an
• 18% increase in transactions
• 24% increase in revenue and
• 19% increase in conversion rate
Our learnings from Sonia are now the driving force behind our entire conversion rate optimisation strategy and has permeated throughout our day to day decision making.
Who We Work With
Our clients segments were not planned. They are a direct results of who found us and want's to work with us. We find 4 types of businesses want us to work with us. In hindsight it makes sense. Those happy with the status quo are unlikely want to change anything or accelerate growth with behavioural science. We work with global, regional, national, state and local clients...
Fortune 500's
Start Ups / Scale Ups
Businesses in Crisis
Our Business so Far
See Where You Fit + What You Need
Fortune 500's
Start Ups
Scale Ups
Businesses in Crisis
Food and Beverage
Global Media
Retail: On-line stores
Retail: On-land stores
Basket Size
Cart Abandonment
Customer Success Teams
Employees / People
Process / Productivity
Profit Margins
Return Rate
Sales Scripts
Sales Teams
Speaker - See 05. Keynotes
Centres of Focus
Big Data
Small Data
Your Data (Employee level)
Academic Literature Reviews
Communications Audit
Friction Audit
Conjoint Analysis
Machine Learning
Predictive Modelling
Research + Surveys
Upskill Team in BeSci
Upskill Team in Friction to Fluency
Upskill Team in Irrational Pricing
BeSci Clubs
Executive Level
Intensives / Workshops
Exec & Leadership
Your Business / Organisation
Find More About
Keynote Speaking here
We'd like to hear what you need...
And if you're not sure, please get in touch and we will work it out with you. Often people are not sure where and how to start their journey with Behavioural Science. Yet they know they need something different.
Let's get started...
Sonia Friedrich
P.O.Box 758
Byron Bay, NSW
Join our growing
list of clients inspired by BeSci...
